Kerrie of Mysteries in Paradise gave participants until the end of this week to write a wrap-up post to report our progress in her crime-fiction alphabet game. She's collecting them up at her blog. As it is now Friday evening in the UK I have left it a bit late, but nevertheless, here is my contribution.
I was a bit hesitant to start the task of writing a post every week for 26 weeks, but because I noticed a suitable book on my shelves for "A", I thought I'd at least start. I soon very much got into the swing of it, sometimes referring to published reviews, sometimes writing a small piece about an author and sometimes writing a straight book review. I very much enjoyed both writing my own posts and reading the other participants'.
As usual I took a boring option and decided to write about an author each week who has a surname beginning with that week's letter. Like everyone else, I found Q and X a bit of a challenge, but managed to rise to it. My complete set of posts can be read in reverse chronological order here.
Here is my alphabetical list of posts:
E: Kjell Eriksson, Ake Edwardson and Martin Edwards
G: Thumbprint by Friedrich Glauser
H: The Darkest Hour by Katherine Howell
O: Like Clockwork by Margie Orford
P: The Last Surgeon by Michael Palmer
T: Snow Angels by James Thompson
W: Eye of Jade by Diane Wei Liang
X: Death of a Red Heroine by Qiu Xiaolong
Y: A Certain Malice by Felicity Young
Z: Dark Matter by Juli Zeh.
Thank you very much, Kerrie, for such an enjoyable exercise. I look forward to the next one!
Maxine - Thanks for this summary. You really shared some great authors with us, and I appreciate the resource.
Posted by: Margot Kinberg | 23 April 2010 at 18:26
Thank you so much, Margot. As you know ;-), I've very much enjoyed reading yours, Bernadette's, Kerrie's, Dorte's, Craig's, and all the others. It has been great fun and given me some good ideas for reading.
Posted by: Maxine | 23 April 2010 at 18:57
Kerrie´s meme WAS fun!
It is good to hear from you again; I hope that means you are feeling better.
Posted by: Dorte H | 23 April 2010 at 19:05
Hmmm, I read Gene Kerrigan thanks to you and just finished Alex Scarrow's Last Light thanks to you. I'm now reading A Death in Tuscany which I found all by myself but next up in my reading pile is The Serbian Dane thanks to you and then I have The Last Surgeon which is thanks to you (in two ways). I've got a couple more of these on my wishlist so that in future I'll also be reading thanks to you.
Clearly you have become the controller of my TBR pile, fortunately for me you seem to be more of a benevolent dictator than an evil overlord :)
Hope you are feeling better.
Posted by: Bernadette | 23 April 2010 at 21:58
Thanks for your summary Maxine. I must admit I found writing the summary post a bit daunting myself so I apreciate that you have completed one, particularly when you've been feeling a bit under the weather. I hope this is a sign that you are on the mend.
Posted by: Kerrie | 23 April 2010 at 23:57
Thanks for all these nice comments....I am feeling a bit better but thought a screen-free day yesterday (Sat) might help.
Bernadette - aha, you have spotted that I am evil. I think it is pretty much reciprocated, in your case ;-)
Posted by: Maxine | 25 April 2010 at 12:38