This is a total laundry-list post, courtesy of The Bookseller, for crime-fiction addicts only. (Other readers may scroll back one and read my review of the film Jar City!) To plan your reading, paperbacks due out in May in the UK include The Likeness, by Tana French (don't be put off by my review, my slightly lukewarm reaction to this book was unusual, all the reviews I read were very positive); The Pyramid, by Henning Mankell; The Darker Side, by Cody McFadyen; Phantom Prey by John Sandford; Final Theory, by Mark Alpert; and Deadly Intent, by Lynda La Plante. As well as these established authors, we have a debut thriller to look forward to: Soul Murder, by David Blake. Apparently this is Harper's major launch for the summer, featuring "flawed FBI hero Francesco Patrese" (though the author is British).
Other titles due for paperback release in May are Bravo Jubilee, by Charlie Owen; Viper, by Michael Morley; Exposed, by Alex Kava; Singing to the Dead, by Caro Ramsey; Anarchy and Old Dogs, by Colin Cotterill; The Mind's Eye, by Hakan Nessar; The Taint of Madness, by Anne Zoudoudi; Stratton's War, by Laura Wilson; and The Bellini Card, by Jason Goodwin. Another debut is Inspector Singh Investigates: A Most Peculiar Malaysian Murder, by Shamani Flint, the first in a series where a "Morse-like detective from Singapore travels throughout Asia busting crimes", starting with Kuala Lumpur. Diane Wei Long's Paper Butterfly is also due a paperback outing in May. The character here is a female P.I. who previously appeared in The Eye of Jade, "a lady who shows us a China visitors never see, as she examines the country as it was and as it is now. A dangerous business."
W. H. Smith has a crime-fiction promotion during February, in which you can get a free book for every one you buy. You need to sign up for their 'privilege programme' and print a voucher downloaded from their website.
The Pyramid is my top choice from that lot as I have read The Mind's Eye.
Posted by: Norm | 06 February 2009 at 23:30