Typepad keeps sending me emails saying that my credit card payment has been denied. There is no reason for this, nothing has changed about my status and my credit card statement is in an admirable position ;-). I suppose that there is nothing I can do if Typepad decides to delete my blog, that's it, I am gone. They don't seem interested in my telling them that my payment has gone through every month since 2006 (including October 2007) and there is no reason why things have changed now. I shall be devastated if they unfairly pull the plug on me, but there you go, I am in the hands of forces outside my control. If you come here tomorrow and see no Petrona, you will know that some major meltdown has occurred between Typepad and Mastercard, in which I am a mere splinter in the maelstrom. It was nice knowing you.
This is insane.
But if nothing else, Maxine, make a backup of your blog just in case. It just takes a second. Log in, go to your management page, and then click the import/export link. The export directions are right there.
Posted by: Debra Hamel | 07 November 2007 at 23:29
Are they crazy????
Posted by: Susan Balée | 08 November 2007 at 00:10
Beware identity theft, Maxine. Check your credit card before the next statement and ring them up to be sure. If all is then confirmed well - POUND Typepad with your case and ask for the details. If they still don't listen, contact the OFT and FSA and others. And drop me a line by email if you need a further hint.
I sincerely hope that you have not become a victim of ID fraud. This is rife at the moment; with published estimates at a cost of £1.9bn to the economy, some say it's far more.
Above all, you need to protect your name, date of birth, and full address. That includes any entries on public databases, so ensure you are ex-directory. And just remember: your name, date of birth, and full address must be only to you. Any leaks of individual details will allow a risk of ID fraud/theft.
I hope it proves to be a human error, Maxine. But whatever the outcome, these details have to be dealt with in the way prescribed to assist anyone.
Posted by: crimeficreader | 08 November 2007 at 00:41
Living in America as I do, I am bound to suggest that once you have taken all the steps crimeficreader suggests, you threaten Typepad with a lawsuit, including seeking compensation if your blog is erased.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Posted by: Peter | 08 November 2007 at 04:10
This is a tough one. It's not so much you I'm worried about - it's me. I'll be devastated if you disappear.
Try and get an e-mail address for someone as high up the Typepad management chain as you can find. Threaten them with legal action and bombard them with e-mails. It might also be worth speaking to your credit card company. I had my card cloned in Prague a year or so back and the credit card people were incredibly helpful and understanding and fixed things for me.
Good luck. Or goodbye.
Posted by: Bill Liversidge | 08 November 2007 at 08:26
Besides recommending that you move to your own domain running WordPress, I've sent out an SOS to some friends. I hope this gets sorted out!
Posted by: Hsien Lei | 08 November 2007 at 10:47
Shouldn't the credit card company sort this out for you? I'd call them ASAP.
Posted by: WWofP | 08 November 2007 at 13:07
Thanks, Witch! Yes, I called them this morning (see next post) and they knew nothing about it...so it is a Typepad-end issue.
Posted by: Maxine | 08 November 2007 at 17:25