Link: info NeoGnostic: Are there any other views on Public Libraries?.
From Chris Armstrong's post: "Most readers of iNG will be aware of concerns voiced here in the past about what is happening (or not) to public libraries in the UK. Those same readers cannot fail to be aware of the continuing onslaught from Tim Coates in The Good Library Blog on any body which has any responsibility for public libraries: from CILIP to MLA; from Demos to the (now closing) Laser Foundation.
Now, we have Richard Wallis of library systems producer, Talis weighing in with a reasoned analysis of the state of play so far." [links provided in iNG blog post linked above.]
Chris concludes: "Talis are very committed to libraries (obviously!)... I wonder if that extends to hosting a forum of the great and the good - professional bodies, government, MLA, and the concerned - to work out a way forward that will benefit the public and their libraries?" Good question.
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