Via several science blogs, I have learned that the Institute of Creation Research is launching a peer-reviewed journal, the Institute for Creation Research Journal. Here is its peer-review process:
The following criteria are to be used in judging the papers: (a) Is the Paper’s topic important to the development of the creation model? (b) Does the Paper’s topic provide an original contribution to the creation model? (c) Is this Paper formulated within a young-earth, young-universe framework? (d) If (c) above is not satisfied, does this Paper offer a very constructively-positive criticism and provide a possible young-earth, young-universe alternative? (e) If the Paper is polemical in nature, does it deal with a topic rarely discussed within the origins debate? (f) Does this Paper provide evidence of faithfulness to the grammatico-historical/normative interpretation of Scripture? (if necessary refer to Walsh, R.E., Biblical Hermeneutics and Creation, Proceedings First International Conference onCreationism, Creation Science Fellowship, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, 1986, Vol. 1, pp. 121–127). The Editor-in-Chief should not be afraid to reject a Paper if it does not properly satisfy the above criteria nor is in the best interests of ICR as judged by its Biblical stand and goals as outlined in its Tenets.
Well, stating the conclusion you want to reach and saying that you will only consider publishing contributions that support it may be a "transparent" process, but that's about all you can say about it.
A vengeful God would make perpetrators of a calculated sham like this suffer eternal tortures.
Detectives Beyond Borders
"Because Murder Is More Fun Away From Home"
Posted by: Peter | 04 May 2007 at 18:04