Link: » The Golden Age of Detection Wiki.
In about 20 years, when I have a spare five minutes, I would really like to join in this wiki project, which looks great. I'm a fan of wikis, which are a great way to use internet space collaboratively, dovetailing perfectly with blogs.
So, here's the challenge: "At the moment we have about 7000 books listed and only about 500 reviews, so most of our slots are empty. Some authors are well-covered; John Dickson Carr, for instance, has reviews for most of his books. Others are entirely blank, waiting for some enthusiast to come and fill them in. We add about three or four reviews a week, so we have many years’ work ahead of us."
The wiki's creator, Jon Jermey, says: "To join the Golden Age of Detection Mailing list go to:
To view the Golden Age of Detection Wiki go to:
Contributors can log in with their email address and password: ‘goldenage’. Please read the Rules first!"
Thanks for the source. I have great difficulty getting info for/on 'classic' authors though I may need a few years to go through their site!
Posted by: Euro Crime (Karen M) | 28 February 2007 at 22:26