So what has everyone been doing while I have been Internet-hampered, closely followed by vicarious sobbing and sadness at leaving primary school? (Why this feat has to be celebrated as many times as the ending of Return of the King defeats me. A child can face one ritual farewell with equanimity, but even the most stoical among them collapses into floods of tears at the sixth or seventh mark of this rite of passage.)
Well, Sian at Ichabod is Itchy has been to Hay Fever by Noel Coward. Recommended (not surprisingly as Judi Dench is in it.)
CrimeFicReader is off to Harrogate crime writers' festival -- read all about it on Sunday. Can't wait.
Debi has met Sharon! Sounds a lovely encounter, wish I could have been there. Both of them have consistently fascinating blogs, I enjoy following both of them.
Mapletree at Book of the Day has been away and is sharing the fruits of her leisure (reading) with us now she's back. Laurie R. King is one, but here's Mothers and other Monsters (;-) ?)
David Montgomery (Crime Fiction Dossier) has been busy having a baby. Can't leave the blogosphere for a minute without all kinds of shenanigans going on. Still, at least Amanda has good taste in reading (not surprisingly with those genes).
Bookshelves of Doom is featuring a haiku contest with a Superman theme. Read those comments.
OK, that's it, I'm off to bed, with lots more blogs to catch up on over the weekend.
Catch you later.
It's brilliant. You'll love it.
Posted by: mapletree7 | 23 July 2006 at 02:43
Well I'm back and I've started the posts.
It was an excellent weekend! So much to pass on. Posts will be drip fed over the coming days, as best as I can manage.
Posted by: crimeficreader | 26 July 2006 at 00:36